Recently, a speaker asked his audience to raise their hands if they ever talked to themselves. Almost every hand in the room shot up. Then he asked if anyone ever answered themselves. Approximately two-thirds of the room raised their hands. The speaker quickly followed up by asking if they argued with themselves. Less than half of the people raised their hands while looking furtively around to see who else felt the same.
Finally, he asked if those who responded ever lost the argument. A handful of people half-heartedly lifted their hands while a few others nervously twittered. The speaker then went on to say, “I want to assure the few of you who just raised your hands that you are not crazy. But the rest of you are probably in denial!”
Research indicates that talking to yourself may actually be a good thing because it helps to improve your visual thinking – even if you challenge (argue with) yourself during the process. Of course, it’s one thing to mutter to yourself while pondering or searching for something; it’s another to wander around gibbering nonsense. Now, that would be crazy.
There are other times when someone may feel out of sync and wonder if they’re losing it. For example, anxiety disorders or panic attacks can cause extreme uneasiness and even physical discomfort. Postpartum depression affects more than half a million women each year and can disrupt a mother’s ability to function in everyday life. Undiagnosed mental disorders can also make a person feel out of control such as:
- Bipolar Disorder
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Learning Disorders
- Untreated Phobias
When any of these incidences disrupt the flow of everyday life by interfering with your ability to function to your capacity, it’s time to seek professional help. The first thing you should do is make an appointment with your physician to make sure there are no underlying medical conditions.
Next, consult with a mental health professional who can evaluate you and recommend a proactive treatment plan. Although you may feel like you’re spinning out of control, it’s important to know that professional help is available for anyone experiencing that “going crazy” feeling.